A Green New Deal……..please……

We The People were advised, by “experts”, to stop eating red meat and eggs in 1961. This advice was issued because, “settled science” deemed cholesterol to be the root cause of heart disease and heart attacks.  The government continued this guidance from “experts”, “for the greater good”, of course.

Just recently, however, that advice was retracted.  The “experts” discovered that the “settled science” was not so “settled” after all.

But what happened in the fifty ensuing years after the 1961 announcement? Many small businesses raising beef or eggs were hurt, or forced out of business. Families changed their lifestyle for no reason.  People complied with “settled science” and died from a heart attack anyway.

Now we are to believe that “experts” have “settled science” about the climate.

I am NOT a “denier”.

The climate has ALWAYS changed.

And anyone who believes that humans do not have an impact is also delusional.

However, I must ask why climate change “experts” are better than “experts” about diet?

How are “experts” “certain” about something as complex as climate change when diet’s affect on heart disease (complex, but not nearly as complex as global climate) is not “settled”?

Finally, I’d feel much better about the “advocates” and “experts” if they attended international climate conferences “virtually” instead of flying there.  When Al Gore sells the jet and “travels” via Skype, and AOC lobbies for a rules change so that she can participate in House activities virtually from New York City, I’ll feel better.

I have a very difficult time with people who don’t walk the talk.

But elites and elite wannabes are eager to set rules that The People must live under, while they are exempt.


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