An Alternative to Single Payer Healthcare

Recently, I was asked for my alternative to a single payer healthcare system.

It was not that long ago when:

    1. A Doctor employed a receptionist, a nurse, and himself.
    2. Big practices may have had one other person in the office.
    3. Visits to the doctor were not hurried.
    4. Doctors also made house calls.
    5. A very intimate, personal, relationship was formed between patient and doctor.
    6. Pricing was FULLY known by patients.
    7. If the patient or their family didn’t have sufficient resources, a mutually acceptable arrangement was made to pay over time.
    8. That arrangement was normally NOT formalized legally.
    9. When you saw a new doctor, it was not necessary to spend a half hour filling out forms about privacy and payment terms and insurance information.

That is what I would attempt to bring back. And it is important to note that it IS coming back on its’ own in what is now called Concierge Medicine.

But, instead, the sixties came.

Everything changed in the sixties.

To be sure, there were difficulties before “the change” in the sixties.  Catastrophic illness could dig a big financial hole for a family.  Sometimes needed treatments could not be had.  It is certain that some died needlessly.

And so, the government galloped in on its’ noble steed to “fix” all ills.  And  the most tragic event in my lifetime occurred.

The “Great Society” Programs were signed into law.

We were told that all ills would be solved.  Poverty would be no more.  The elderly would not have to be concerned with healthcare and EVERYONE would prosper.  The poor would have healthcare, too.

As usual, the “cost” was  to be “minimal”.  To care for the elderly, a small 0.35% withholding was required from paychecks in the first year, matched by the employer.

And now?

    1. No one knows pricing.
    2. Instead we have ICD-9 codes, ICD-10 codes, HCPCS Level II codes.
    3. Office staff now outnumbers medical staff.
    4. Practices are now consolidated among several Doctors in the hope of holding down the exploding overhead costs.
    5. Employee withholding quadrupled to 1.45%.
    6. The employer contributes 2.9%, eight times the original rate.
    7. Yet, even with 4.35% of gross wages, an unfunded mandate measured in tens of TRILLIONS threatens our country’s financial future.
    8. And do NOT forget the arbitrary cuts to reimbursement rates to providers!
    9. Many Doctors have begun to refuse Medicare and Medicaid patients because of those draconian cuts and the egregious bureaucratic demands.
    10. Catastrophic illnesses STILL dig big financial holes for families.
    11. It is certain that there are STILL needless deaths.
    12. We still have poverty!
    13. TRILLIONS spent!
    14. Growing wealth inequality! (VERY ironic, given the goal of “The Great Society” aims!)
    15. TRILLIONS in the hole!
    16. Some of the elderly are still not served.

And so, of course, we need MORE government “help”!?!?!???!?

I think not.

Can I opt out?  Where do I opt out?

And we haven’t even TOUCHED the very real need for Tort Reform!!!
NOR have we discussed allowing insurance to be sold across state lines!!!

And The Founders Weep.
